Queue for heads-up battle with the new matchmaking system for 1v1, 2v2, 3v3, 4v4, or 4-person “Free For All” melee.Toggle between Classic and Reforged mode for graphics and campaign content.

Legacy accounts will expire in 90 days, so link as soon as possible.Classic Account linking to keep your historic wins.New gameplay settings for unit health bars, team colors, hero status bars, and cooldown display.Added “Grid” or traditional hotkey layouts.Locale support updated for Chinese (Simplified), Chinese (Traditional), French, German, Italian, Korean, Polish, Russian, Spanish (Spain).Locale support added for Spanish (Latin America) and Portuguese (Brazil).Equip hero skins, choose your favorite portrait, and browse unlockable campaign and matchmaking rewards.Updated all campaign characters and visual assets.Updated art and layout of major cities from three of Warcraft’s iconic cities: Dalaran, Silvermoon, and Stratholme.Updated terrain, mission difficulty, and added auto-saves for all missions.Restored three prologue missions from the original Warcraft III Demo: Riders on the Storm, The Fires Down Below, and Countdown to Extinction.Install, update, and launch Warcraft III from the Blizzard Battle.Undocumented change: Skeletal Mastery no longer requires Necromancer Adept Training to unlock.Undocumented change: Cripple now requires Necromancer Master Training.Undocumented change: Cripple now reduces movement speed by 75%, reduces attack speed by 50%, and reduces attack damage by 50%.Undocumented change: Cripple mana cost increased from 85 to 125.Increases the attack rate of a target unit by 75%, but drains 3 hit points per second. Mana cost reduced to 50 mana, cooldown reduced to 1 second. Undocumented change: Incite Unholy Frenzy renamed back to Unholy Frenzy.Undocumented change: Raise Dead no longer requires Necromancer Adept Training to unlock.Balance Updates Undead Balance Changes Necromancer